
Lissel's code blogShort rambles about programming

I write prettier code than the formatter...

...but my colleagues do not

The Single Responsibility Principle explained with lego

Never do more than one thing

Adding functionality to classes

Adopting a software design mindset

Traceable variables

Do you know where your variables are coming from?

Isolating third party frontend components

Best practices for keeping your code manageable

The drawbacks of front-end frameworks

A note on maintainability.

Do not null-check lists

An unusual code smell

Assigning a value depending on conditions

Avoiding clumsy if-then-elses and switch statements when assigning values to variables.

A case against class methods

The benefits of minimizing implicit state and pure functions.

Sorting javascript arrays on multiple properties

A nice pattern for sorting tables of data.

About me

My name is Erik Lissel, and I am years old. I am crazy about programming patterns and making code that has as low complexity as possible. I am currently very warm towards JavaScript and the functional patterns it enables. I work as a senior software developer at the consultant company Piktiv. When I am not staring at a screen I enjoy: downhill skiing, tabletop games, and singing.